Marilyn, Josephine, Audrey, Paul & Eartha... yes I name my cookware... SO? HA!♥ Coco Chanel my vintage Lavender 1958 Raymond Loewy Coquelle for Le Creuset♥ My notorious "broken" heart Mimi...I got it for a steal because of the minor flaw still cooks perfectly! Exquisitely flawed like me so that's why she's named Mimi, my mini me♥ Paul Newman♥ ♥Luke & Mimi♥ ♥♥My Sexy Sparkly Pin Ups♥♥ My Mom used to spend her Sundays cleaning her Silverware... well, here are mine keeping the LC spotless I ♥ it, it's like A Chorus Line! Brigitte Bardot♥, my new baby... anyone interested in buying a white stand mixer? Yeah, the step ladder is pretty much my best friend! SPICY!
I was having a BLAST yesterday on Facebook with old school friends back East reminiscing about our favorite '80's Wrestlers & favorite Boxers of ALL time! SO much fun, didn't realize how trailer park trashy we all were back in the day, then the conversation switched to my favorite food, Philly Cheesesteak! I whipped out the slicer... yes I have a meat slicer & NO my kitchen is TINY! Yes I am an idiot & NO I don't care, it's exactly at moments like these I need a kitchen full of junk to calm my ridiculous last minute food cravings, on a side note my favorite Philly shop is closed on Sundays! Ridiculous, huh? All the good Football & Basketball games are on a Sunday but these tummy teaser Commies are CLOSED! B.A.N.A.N.A.S.
So once I got to slicing the meat I decided to have a Takeout TAKE DOWN, Sunday Cheesesteak.... Monday Night Beef Pad Thai. After living in LA for 11 years it was around my 8th year I discovered an adequate Philly. Once my girlfriend Andrea & I, she's from Philly, drove 2 hours to Orange County for a sandwich. They had real Amoroso Rolls shipped from Philly & WISE Potato Chips... oh dear God I would give the entire left side of my body for a bag of Cheez Doodles right now.... I'm SO PMSing.... sorry TMI!
Anywho, I got sick of the long drives & paying $11 for a Philly made on French Bread & the one time I had a butcher slice some Ribeye for me he sliced it into chunks after I specifically told him what I was making... how is LA so slow when it comes to East Coast classics? I don't even want to discuss you can't get Calzones, Strombolis or a Cuban Sandwich at 2 AM after the club... terrible. Speaking of terrible I am BANNED from Cheez Whiz & Velveeta, does all sorts of crazy to my stomach so my sandwich couldn't rock the Whiz, but it was still good!♥
The Star Studded Cast Paper Thin I ♥ TOYS! Philly Facial Isn't this beautiful? Almost done Now, if your Philly doesn't finish with salt, pepper, oil, vinegar & oregano... your sandwich sucks, Kid!♥ Excuse me while I quote Rick Flair.... "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" BETWEEN MY HEADPHONES WORTH REPEATING PHILLY'S BEST & THE BEST BAND IN HIP HOP THE ROOTS "IT DON'T FEEL RIGHT"
This blog is to chronicle my adventures, the people I'll meet, the drinks I'll imbibe, the joy, the frustration, the bargains I'll find, the crap I wish I can afford & all the FAB-U-LE$$ meals I'll have in between as I try everything in my power to sell my own Cooking/Lifestyle show every single day 1 Single Serving at a time ♥