Sunday, May 10, 2009

STOKED: A kiss is just a kiss

I am a MASSIVE Disney fan always have been & my  has always belonged to the 2D kind, that's why the intro to my show is animated. Now several times a week I get random little flashes of realization that we have a Black President a feat I have never thought possible the other is a Black Disney Princess 

Every time I think of it my eyes start to well up. The idea of seeing someone that looks like me as a fairy tale heroine is overwhelming & I honestly it's something I thought I would NEVER see happen in my lifetime! 

So this year is a fantastic year for me as far as believing that dreams really do come true. I have a leader that I LOVE *swoon*, a Disney Princess that I can really relate to, I not only have an animated heroine that looks like me... I actually have one that is me embarking on my adventures in the kitchen, a new love "Single Serving" & I will be exiting my "Jesus Year" on 09/09/09. The possibilities are endless. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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